Friday, February 28, 2020

W6 Legal Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

W6 Legal Discussion - Essay Example In effect, taxes are in place to ensure that people stay responsible and give back to society from what society gives to them. On this basis, it becomes very questionable to think of taxing organizations such as non-profit health institutions whose sole approach to doing business is to help the people within their territories instead of making profits. As the adage is said, unto him much is given, much is required. However, these non-profit hospitals make no profits, based on which they will have to produce any taxes. Apart from the fact that non-profit hospitals do not make any profits based on which they will be taxed, it is also important to realize the fact that these hospitals make their contributions to society through the low cost and in some cases free medical service they provide (Walker, 2005). Because the fundamental wisdom behind the need to have taxes is to ensure that citizens become responsible to their countries, it will be argued that the efforts and activities of these hospitals are contributing and responsible enough for them not to be taxed. Consequently, the idea of tax exemption for non-profit hospitals is strongly supported. Stuart and Showalter (2011) acknowledged that in the administration of health institutions, monetary strength is very crucial. What this means is that at every point in time, the hospitals must be in a position to have sufficient funding to run their internal management affairs. Based on this understanding, an idea to tax the hospitals that are not for profit would only be a means of further depriving the hospitals from becoming financially independent. Having said this, the need for there to be sufficient scrutiny of the non-profit hospitals to ensure that they live up to the reasons for which they are tax exempted will be advocated. It is important that there will be sufficient auditing to ensure that hospitals do not take advantage of the country in the name of

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Built to Last written by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras Essay

Built to Last written by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras - Essay Example They had been in the business for a long time and had proved that they were solid and not some one-song wonder. The best thing about your book was the criteria that set some firms apart from others. It was good to see that these visionary firms had been selected on the basis of some important traits. I totally agree with the criteria. These firms had to premier institution in their industry, admired by well-known business people and left an impression on the world. All the firms you had chosen did meet that criteria, for example Motorola, Merck and GE had all been extremely successful firms. But things changed for some of them and reading your book now, I feel that some of them wouldn't make it to the list again. For example Motorola is no longer the premier institution, Merck had struggled with its position as well. But there are also the winners such as Procter and Gamble and GE that continue to outperform their competitors. But they might not meet all the standards set for a visionary company. For me today, a visionary company would include some relatively small firms that have earned the respect and awe of public and rivals alike. And my list wouldn't include the big names like Philip Morris or Wal-Mart because there has been severe criticism against their practices.