Monday, December 30, 2019

The Dangers of Road Life - 1421 Words

People think teenagers are the only horrid drivers. What they don’t think about is that there’s an age group of drivers who are far worse than teenagers. Statistics show that people over the age of seventy cause more accidents and are in more accidents than teenage drivers. In 2008, more than 5,500 elders were killed in car accidents, and more than 183,00 were injured in car accidents(Older Adult Drivers). There are many reasons why elderly drivers are more likely to get into accidents that teenagers. Physical and mental changes are just some the causes of car accidents among elders. These include slowing down fast enough, the loss of clear vision and hearing, the loss of muscle strength and flexiblity, and drowsiness which cause†¦show more content†¦Many elders have vision and hearing problems. It’s hard for them to see and hear clearly, while on the road is a dangerous thing. Many elders also have cataracts, macular degeneration and/or glaucoma. All of these diseases affect the eyes, making them cloudy and limiting the eye sight. Some elders also take medicine for depression or any other mental health problem. Taking some medication can cause the driver to become drowsy, making them a danger on the road. A good percentage of elders in the US are drivers, and many of these drivers have either Parkinson’s, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, or have had a stroke. All of these diseases have an effect on the driver and the vehicle. People with Parkinson’s tend to shake a lot. A driver with Parkinson’s may have difficulty reacting fast enough to turn the wheel or stop when necessary. Diabetes can cause sleepiness or dizziness in the driver, it could also cause seizures. Strokes can affect either one side of the body, or the whole body. Stroke makes the drivers to impaired to drive motor vehicles, but some elders still drive after having a stroke. Alzheimer’s cause just about complete mind loss. Having this while driving could cause them to get lost, not remember where they live or where they’re going(â€Å"Old Adult†). There are still many accounts of elders hitting and killing pedestrians or people in motor vehicles. A vote was taken on Debate. org asking if people believed elders should have to retake the driving test orShow MoreRelatedThe Dangers Of Texting While Driving1561 Words   |  7 Pages015 18 September 2014 â€Å"Almost Home† With the society we live in today, a cell phone almost becomes a necessity. Although cell phones come in handy and even make life a little easier, our cell phone usage is becoming a threat to us. There are several ways in which this powerful object can be dangerous. Texting while driving is one danger many do not realize until something drastic happens. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay On Trumps Ethical Issues - 783 Words

On Trump’s announcement to end DACA Imagine a world where innocent individuals were fearful of their livelihood and the livelihood of their families, always having to look over their shoulders and stay in the shadows to avoid having everything they know ripped out from underneath them. It has been prevalent in the media lately that the Trump administration has ended the DACA program. The general consensus is that this will positively affect our economy as a nation and decrease our unemployment rates astronomically due to the job market opening back up. However, the opposite might be the case. That is the world Trump will have the power to create if Congress doesn’t make a decision to keep the DACA program within the next†¦show more content†¦Trump says that by ending DACA that he is opening up the job market to younger Americans, however, business leaders don’t believe this to be true (Gomez, 2017). One of the first, and most impactful results of the d eletion of DACA to Texas as a whole, is the decline of the G.D.P. The current G.D.P. of Texas as of now is 1.639 trillion. If DACA were to be abolished, this could drop by several billions of dollars within a decade. A drop like this could negatively affect the stock market for Texas as well. The reason for this is the decline of the amount of workers in Texas, assuming they have either been deported or are working illegally and under the table. With hurricane season this year being in the not so distant future Texas is still in the process of rebuilding, and will be for quite a while. A good portion of the people helping to rebuild Houston happen to be DACA recipients. In fact, not only are there DACA recipients on the front lines helping rebuild a place where they may not even feel welcomed, they’re also afraid to reach out for help after the devastation for fear of deportation, they’d rather suffer in silence than risk it. With DACA standing forShow MoreRelatedSoci al Services And Social Work1538 Words   |  7 Pagesthe system, and have the social worker use their power to help their client, however this is unfortunately not doable all of the time. Some agencies may reflect these inequalities themselves, and social workers often feel fear to speak up on these issues, at risk that they may lose their employment (Carniol, 2010, p. 107). We have discussed this scenario multiple times in our Basic Interventions class, particularly when talking about ethics. While most of us students agree that we would like to believeRead MoreMartha Stewart2966 Words   |  12 Pagesstanding sell order. Stewart gave this story to the government in formal interviews. After a lengthy investigation, Stewart was found guilty by the court on various charges on June 4, 2002, although not for insider trading. (AcaDemon term papers and essays). Obviously, Martha Stewart was engaged in this unethical and illegal behavior along with her broker Peter Bacanovic. Selling sh ares was just a onetime incident on December 27, 2001. â€Å"Martha Stewart was tried in U.S. District court. On June 4, 2003Read MoreBlack Mirror : A Look Into Memory6065 Words   |  25 PagesEach episode marks a separate section of my essay where I apply memory studies and theories, and respectively is followed by a real-life example of technology used within the episode. Memory studies, a term coined by social scientist and media historian, Steve Anderson, refers to a â€Å"way of looking at historical reception, what people remember of history, and the ways it is made useful in their lives†(Anderson, 21). Within this essay I will continuously refer to memoryRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesBalance Work–Life Conflicts 21 †¢ Creating a Positive Work Environment 22 †¢ Improving Ethical Behavior 22 Coming Attractions: Developing an OB Model 23 An Overview 23 †¢ Inputs 24 †¢ Processes 25 †¢ Outcomes 25 Summary and Implications for Managers 30 S A L Self-Assessment Library How Much Do I Know About Organizational Behavior? 4 Myth or Science? â€Å"Most Acts of Workplace Bullying Are Men Attacking Women† 12 An Ethical Choice Can You Learn from Failure? 24 glOBalization! Does National Culture Affect

Friday, December 13, 2019

Mark strand Free Essays

So the poet I decided to do this on is Mark Strand. He was born in Canada in 1934 and grew up in different places in the United States. He studied at several universities including Antioch Ohio college, Yale, also the University of Florence on a Fulbright fellowship where he studied 19th century Italian poetry. We will write a custom essay sample on Mark strand or any similar topic only for you Order Now When he was a child, he actually wasn’t considered bright. He was a painter while studying at Yale, and a lot of people say that he creates a â€Å"painterly’ image in his poetry because of the way he closely examines things. I found it really interesting that in an interview he said that he wasn’t good with language as a child, and so the idea that he would one day become a poet would come as a huge shock for his family growing up. Strand felt deeply connected with the painter Edward Hopper. He wrote a book about his works, explaining the paintings in very expressive details. Strand definitely has a way of showing his passion for both art and poetry and combining the two. Hopper was considered a very misunderstood, realist painter and Strand said that he eally connected with his â€Å"strangeness† and feels influenced by it. Strand’s poetry has a very simple language to it. It sometimes borders on something beyond reality, in the way that he perceives the world. He wrote a lot of poems about dreams and disassociation from the world. He’s written 14 books of poetry. He also writes a lot of life and death. Death, being what he considers the main point in lyrical poetry. What I really connect with Is the rhythm of this poem first of all. I actually enjoyed a ot of other poems by Strand but after we looked at Fishing on the susehanna river by Billy Collins, this intrigued me because it reminded me of that similar rhythm. I enjoy the repetition that things will always end but then continue to go on and return again. Theres this sadness in the earlier stanzas about how things Just stay the same, leave and come back again. The hopelessness of a mundane world. In the end theres kind of a positive hopefulness where the people at the party don’t think the night will end. They don’t let it though the music stops. mark strand By Idramaqueenl How to cite Mark strand, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Develop Sustainability Policy

Question: Discuss about the Develop Sustainability Policy. Answer: Introduction The following sustainability policy is developed to enable the business conduct it operations in the most effective and efficient way by enabling and respects all stakeholders interests. The policy ensures recognition of the stakeholders, interest and need in the business5. Therefore the business will be able to engage on sustainable operations that will benefit all it stakeholders and lead to business success. This policy will ensure that the business does not only exist to maximize its owners wealth but also as part of the society that has to relate ethically with other stakeholders. Planning sustainability The plan sustainability developed in this paper is for a food business in Australia. The plan focuses on the available information about standards and guidelines available in food industry. Second, -planning sustainability process will focuses on methods and techniques of the sustainability policy that will be used. The process will also identify and consult stakeholders to the business. Lastly the planning process will outline recommendations that will ensure effectiveness of the sustainability policy that is being developed. MacDonald information The Macdonald is a food business that will open as a franchise in Sydney outskirts. The business will involve in preparing meals and selling to the public by opening outlets in high traffic areas. The outlets will be involved in sale of fast food to customers. The business will have skilled employees who will prepare dishes ready for consumption. Sources of standards The food industry is much protected by the industry best practices, guidelines, organizational specifications and legislations specifications. The Food businesses must comply with this standard unless they fall under the definition of 'primary food production'. FSANZ is developing Primary Production and processing standards separately. Food handlers must also comply with the requirements that relate specifically to food handlers. Standard 3.2.Isets out specific food handling controls related to the receipt, storage, processing, display, packaging, transportation, disposal and recall of food. Other requirements relate to the skills and knowledge of food handlers and their supervisors, the health and hygiene of food handlers, and the cleaning, sanitizing and maintenance of the food premises and equipment within the premises. If complied with, these requirements will ensure that food does not become unsafe or unsuitable. 1"Food Safety Practices and General Requirements Standard 3.2.2", in, , 2017, [accessed 5 April 2017]. Methods and Techniques of writing the policy The sustainability policy will aim to dematerialize and optimize consumption of the businesses products in the Australian food market. It will involve methods that will increase functionality of the businesss products to meet customers needs. The consumption optimization method will enable meeting the customers demand more sustainability. The food prepared in the business will at meeting customers nutritional requirements thereby improving their lives 2. Techniques to be used will be product and service improvement and system improvement in developing the companys sustainability policy. Systems Improvement techniques to make systems more sustainable include by instituting Environmental Management Systems and multi stakeholder involvement. Product and Service Improvement technique ensure products and services more sustainable include: Life Cycle Management, Eco-design, Eco-labeling, and Product Service Systems. Needs and interests of the business stakeholders The stakeholders of the company will be employees, customers, owners, local communities and regulators. The sustainability policy will address their needs and interests that the business will strive to achieve or balance to enable collective success of all stakeholders. Customers: They need nutritious, safe and healthy food for their bodies. Owners: These stakeholders need high returns in their investment. Minimum resource usage and maximum returns. Local community: They need support for the activities occurring in the society in solving their problems. Employees: They need safe workplace and good compensation. 2A Johnston, "Constructing Sustainability through CSR: A Critical Appraisal of ISO 26000", in SSRN Electronic Journal. Regulators: The business should act responsibility to it surrounding (environment) Sustainability Options and Recommendations The business should develop the following the following sustainability policies; Customers sustainability policy Employees Sustainability Policy Owners Sustainability Policy Environmental Sustainability Policy Community sustainability policy Recommendation The business should implement the sustainability policies in priorities. For instance it should start with employees, owners and customers sustainability policies and lastly implement community sustainability policy. The business should strictly adhere to industry best practices to avoid withdrawal of permit by the authority. The business should also continuously review the sustainability policy to enhance improvement thereby enabling efficiency in the business 3. 3J Kens, "Planning and procedures", in, , 2017, [accessed 5 April 2017]. Recommendation for effectiveness in the business; The business should formulate a comprehensive and appropriate employees sustainability policy that will continuously improve skills in order to improve their effectiveness in the organization. Sustainability policy development Company profile The business will be food outlet located in a high traffic area. The business will be involved in preparation of food for the customers. The business will research, acquire inputs, prepare and sell different dishes to customers who have preference to great taste. The business will be owned by several investors by shares. The business stakeholders will be customers, suppliers, employees, investors, regulators and the community 6. 5D Levi R Sokoloski, "Cal Poly's Sustainability Program: What is Its Effect on Students?", in Focus, vol. 10, 2013. 6L Hawrysz J Foltys, "Environmental Aspects of Social Responsibility of Public Sector Organizations", in Sustainability, vol. 8, 2015, 19. Purpose of the sustainability policy The sustainability policy will aim to address the following in the process of developing strategies; Minimizing resources use by reducing waste Ensuring there is no toxic materials or hazardous chemical use in preparation of meals Enabling employing of life cycle management approaches Promoting sustainability principles in the business Raising awareness among stakeholders Enabling training employees in sustainability principles and techniques Customers sustainability policy The Company will strive to find new ways to strengthen the nutritional profile of the menu items while maintaining the great tastes that customers expect. The business will adopt menu board labeling which will provides clear kilojoules content information for customers prior to their purchase decision. The business commitment will involve bolder dcision-making, customer-centric innovation and renewed emphasis on the fundamentals extends to our sustainability efforts on nutritional value of meals 78. 7"Food Safety Practices and General Requirements Standard 3.2.2", in, , 2017, [accessed 5 April 2017]. 8"Food Sustainability Choices :: McDonalds", in, , 2017, [accessed 5 April 2017]. The business will be involved in fast food products that are a favorite place for children the business will endorse responsible marketing when promoting products. This will take responsibility to communicate appropriately with families and young people. The business will abide to the Australian Association of National Advertisers and Australian Food and Grocery Council this initiative provides industry standards and guidelines for advertising to children. The business will be vigilant about food safety standards and will collaborate with government, industry bodies and other experts to support innovation and improvement in food safety practices. To ensure the integrity of the business food stringent food safety procedures will be put in place at every stage of the food preparation process. The business will have a food safety plan that is based on the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) approach 9. A HACCP plan will identify hazards to which products might be exposed and the critical points where control measures must be in place. Suppliers Sustainability Policy The business will adopt a model that is based on a culture of partnership and collaboration which will make it possible for the supplier to serve consistently safe and high quality food. It will be important to the business that suppliers operate sustainable and profitable businesses and benefit from the partnership with the business. It is also important to the business that it sources products in a responsible and ethical manner that contributes to the development of sustainable agriculture and food manufacturing processes. Regulators Sustainability Policy The business will abide the set regulatory food organization in Australia to ensure food safety and integrity is observed. The business will carry it operations in the industry by strict observations of the food standards set to ensuring Australians access safe and health food. 9P Rabinowitz, "Chapter 7. Encouraging Involvement in Community Work | Section 8. Identifying and Analyzing Stakeholders and Their Interests | Main Section | Community Tool Box", in, , 2015, [accessed 5 April 2017]. Employees Sustainability Policy The business will work to provide an employment experience that employees will value, one that is flexible, complements employees lifestyles and provides opportunities for the development of life-long skills 11. The business will strive to create a work environment where everyone can expect to be treated equally with dignity and respect. It will encourage all team members to promote a friendly, respectful workplace and to discourage any behavior that might cause hurt or embarrassment to others. Lastly, there will be development opportunities, individuals will be evaluated on their performance and promotion based on merit. Employment, promotions and training will not be determined by age, race, color, sex, appearance, religion, marital or parental status, sexual preference, disability, impairment or national origin 10. Environmental Sustainability Policy The business is committed to acting responsibly to the natural resources in ensuring sustainability. This will involve proper waste management, water usage, saving energy to reduce greenhouse gas emission and animal welfare 10S Neubert, "Wastewater reuse: how integrated and sustainable is the strategy?", in Water Policy, vol. 11, 2009, 37. 11A McGowan, "Developing Alaska Sustainably", in Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, vol. 56, 2014, 2-3. Investors Sustainability policy The business will use optimum resources in order to maximize return on the company. This will ensure that the return on shareholders investment is maximized. Local Community Sustainability Policy The business will be committed in participating in society projects to enabling solving of the current community problem. The business will also give preference to job opportunities and partnerships in supplies. Communication Strategy for Sustainability Policy Communication strategy for sustainability policy is a tool of ensuring that the developed sustainability policies of different stakeholders reach them effectively. Communicating sustainability policies to stakeholders ensures that the sustainability policy serves it purpose in the process of developing and implementing business strategies. The following communication strategy will be used to communicate the business sustainable policies it strive to implementing sustainability principles in its operations. The communication strategy will use several tools to communicate the content of the sustainability policy. Communication Strategy tools Presentation This tool will be used to communicate to a group of stakeholders in meetings, conferences or training section. This tool will be appropriate for communicating when stakeholders are in one area at the time of communication. Presentation allows the stakeholder to understand all the content relevant to the sustainability policy. This tool will be able to outline, explain and offer analyzes of the sustainability policy. Presentation is appropriate when communicating in meetings with investors, conferences with regulators and orienting employees. Flyers for Notice boards/ Suppliers The flyer offers a communication strategy to stakeholders outside the organization. Flyers can be displayed on notice board on places that have high traffic to increase the number of potential stakeholders accessing the information. The flyer is convenient to giving out to different stakeholders. The flyers require to be designed and be printed out of the content that is intended to be communicated. Flyers are not able to accommodate much explaination about the policy but give an outline and short explanation. The flyers are intended to communicate to stakeholders outside the organization who are in large numbers. This tool is appropriate for communicating to local communities and supplies of the business. Training Sessions This tool of communication strategy is appropriate when communicating sustainability policies to employees. It can either be individual or a group of employees. This tool communicates the employees sustainability policy to employees. The communication requires a trainer or coach to pass the information to the employees in the process of training. The communication strategy tool has a role of enlightening employees about the business commitment to sustainability. Communicating policy to employees enables understanding that that increases effectiveness and efficiency in the business. The tool is desired to comprehensively explain sustainability policy to employees in training session so that they employees act to business expectations 12. Video Videos are good communication strategy tool that provides oral communication of the sustainability policy. Videos offer explanation of the sustainability policy. Videos are appropriate for internal stakeholders who want to learn the sustainability policy of the business. Video requires specialist to prepare. The availability of a video ensures there are readily source of learning materials for the company policy. 12V Sapovadia, "Developing Corporate Strategic Framework to Enhance Sustainability Through CSR", in SSRN Electronic Journal. Newsletters This communication strategy tool is comprehensive and analytical of all sustainable policies that the business has developed. Newsletters are appropriate for communicating outside the business. The newsletter is detailed and can be used by regulators to evaluate the sustainability policy of the business. Newsletters are also availed to the public to enable understanding of the business13. Policy Implementation Implementing the sustainability policy will involve communication to all stakeholder to enable the efficiency of the policy formulated. The implementation process will involve several activities that will facilitate adopting of the policy. The implementation process of the sustainability policy will involve developing and communicating implementing procedures. This will help the internal organization get prepared for the implementation process. The implementing policy will also involve informing the team members in the workplace. Informing team members enables employees to know what is expected of them and what they expect from the organization. The policy implementation requires resources to implement the sustainability policy. A set budget is required to facilitate the implementation process. The success of a sustainability policy is dependent on the resources allocated. Resources are required facilitate communication, train employees and cater for the environments. The policy implementation process requires projects management of all aspects to enable effectiveness of the sustainability policy. This enables facilitation of the activities in the organization. The employees are required to adhere to all safety work practices in the workplace. This enables the efficiency6 of the resources that the business is using in enhancing sustainability. Lastly, the implementation process of policy involves implementing strategies that can enable continuous improvement of resource efficiency. This involves institutionalizing policies to enable sustainability. The business will adopt a training and development section for employees to e nsure skills improvement in the company. Policy Review This process involves investigating of the sustainability policy to establish it success in the business. The policy review will involve reviewing documents outcomes, feedback from personnel and stakeholder and investigating an alternative policy. This process will act as the final phase of sustainability policy. This process also involves monitoring the implementing policy process to ensure effectiveness and efficiency of the sustainability. In addition the policy review will establish performance appraisal for employees to investigate the success of the employees sustainability policy. 13P Ziek, "CSR Infrastructure for Communication and the Nike Controversy", in Journal of Management and Sustainability, vol. 3, 2012. References Curtis, C, "Planning for sustainable accessibility: The implementation challenge". in Transport Policy, 15, 2008, 104-112. "Food Safety Practices and General Requirements Standard 3.2.2". in , , 2017, [accessed 5 April 2017]. "Food Sustainability Choices :: McDonalds". in , , 2017, [accessed 5 April 2017]. Hawrysz, L, J Foltys, "Environmental Aspects of Social Responsibility of Public Sector Organizations". in Sustainability, 8, 2015, 19. Johnston, A, "Constructing Sustainability Through CSR: A Critical Appraisal of ISO 26000". in SSRN Electronic Journal. Kens, J, "Planning and procedures". in, , 2017, [accessed 5 April 2017]. Levi, D, R Sokoloski, "Cal Poly's Sutainability Program: What is Its Effect on Students?". in Focus, 10, 2013. McGowan, A, "Developing Alaska Sustainably". in Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, 56, 2014, 2-3. Neubert, S, "Wastewater reuse: how integrated and sustainable is the strategy?". in Water Policy, 11, 2009, 37. Rabinowitz, P, "Chapter 7. Encouraging Involvement in Community Work | Section 8. Identifying and Analyzing Stakeholders and Their Interests | Main Section | Community Tool Box". in, , 2015, [accessed 5 April 2017]. Sapovadia, V, "Developing Corporate Strategic Framework to Enhance Sustainability Through CSR". in SSRN Electronic Journal. Ziek, P, "CSR Infrastructure for Communication and the Nike Controversy". in Journal of Management and Sustainability, 3, 2012.